2009/6/4 szergling <senatorzergling@gmail.com>:
Hi Alexandrians,
I believe curry and rcurry are the wrong names for the current functions in Alexandria. See the following for example,
http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-26/mail-archive/msg00000.html http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-26/mail-archive/msg00015.html
What about papply or partial-apply? Or maybe p-apply? This way, The reversed version might be called rp-apply. Otherwise reverse-partial-apply?
I am aware that this is a common usage/mistake in CL, but Alexandria doesn't have to perpetuate this error. An unfortunate downside is breaking backwards compatibility. I'm not sure what Alexandria's policy is regarding this...
I'm happy to send patches if this renaming is agreed upon.
I'm not sure. I'm not totally opposed, but I'm not convinced either: even if it wrong, the names are "culturally correct", if you will. Names partial-apply and partial-reverse-apply would be my preferred ones if we did the renaming. Cheers, -- Nikodemus