I personally find git *much* more convenient to work with -- but this is very likely just due to knowing it far better than Darcs.
after getting a reasonably proficiency with git, i still prefer darcs, especially its ability to easily pull patches out of order. as we are running several instances of our codebase of ~100 dependencies, i often meet the need to pull a fix while not pulling a non-backwards compatible change somewhere. with darcs it's trivial. so, this is a down vote from me, but i won't feel bad if alexandria is moved to git, so feel free! but next time we meet IRL, we must discuss this, because i'd like to understand the background of your preference... (but please don't waste time on mails about git/darcs, just do the conclusion, whatever it will be). -- attila ps: if we want to move to darcs2, i can help with the conversion... although it's only interesting if we have long-lasting high traffic branches, which is not the case with alexandria.