PROG1-LET is a binding macro modeled closely after WHEN-LET and friends, which I have regularly found useful in code to implement the "create, modify, return" pattern common in some imperative code. As a simple and, I believe, widely useful macro, I'd like to see this enter into Alexandria proper. Docstring follows: Creates new variable bindings and executes FORMS, returning the initial value of the first binding. BINDINGS must be either single binding of the form: (variable initial-form) or a list of bindings of the form: ((variable initial-form) (variable-2 initial-form-2) ... (variable-n initial-form-n)) All initial-forms are executed sequentially in the specified order, then all the variables are bound to the corresponding values and FORMS are executed as an implicit PROGN. Finally, the value returned by INITIAL-FORM is returned.