Attila Lendvai wrote:
i know that this is a subject that has strong feelings attached to, but with recent developments in XCVB the need for (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) ...) has rose, and seeing numerous eval-when noise in the code is potentially annoying.
Potentially, yes. That's why I didn't propose to consider EVAL-ALWAYS in this discussion. But since you bring it up, my opinion is that EVAL-ALWAYS is a simple construct that every Lisper should be able to understand without macroexpanding. Assuming it doesn't do funny things, of course.* Not so with DEFUN-ALWAYS, though. It's not as general (you might want to define a variable at compile-time, for example) and it isn't really obvious what this does to DEFUN, since the connection to EVAL-WHEN is lost. So I would be mildly in favor of EVAL-ALWAYS but strongly object to DEFUN-ALWAYS. Leslie -- * I do get Nikodemus' point that it's another piece you need to consider when debugging code that uses it, but the point quickly seems moot once EVAL-ALWAYS has settled into one's mind. -- http://www.linkedin.com/in/polzer