Hi folks! I had this idea to ask implementators how they'd feel inclined about including Alexandria as part of their implementations as most nowadays do with ASDF. For that to work, of course, there has to be Alexandria releases, and once something's officially released, backwards-compatiblity would have to be preserved. (I think there should be an official ALEXANDRIA package containing the stable API, and some -TESTBED or -BETA package with stuff being in flux, but for people to try out who are so inclined. Together with some ALEXANDRIA-VERSION<= stuff for conditionalization.) I'd offer to step up, polish the existing code base, write tests where needed, write documentation, do releases, and try to push the things down the implementations. I'd hope that the quality of my existing libraries speak for how severe I take all these steps to produce well-rounded releases. Nowadays, it's my impression that the only somewhat active people are Nikodemus and Attila, where Nikodemus seems to hold the power of ultimate decision making. There are probably more who feel strongly about Alexandria so I wanted to ask you first, because it'd mean a shift of responsibility and power. What do you think? -T.