On 7 March 2010 18:25, John Fremlin <john@fremlin.org> wrote:
Here is how ClozureCL does the same thing. I'm not at all suggesting that it's better than with-collector, just that it is another example of this useful wheel being invented.
My opinion is that something along these lines would be grand.
;;; Copyright (C) 2009 Clozure Associates ;;; Copyright (C) 1994-2001 Digitool, Inc ;;; Clozure CL is licensed under the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public ;;; License
;;; ;;; The ultimate collection macro... ;;;
(defmacro collect (collections &body body)
Heh, that's the same CMUCL heritage COLLECT that SBCL has as well. (At least the docstring is identical, and CMUCL has had COLLECT in it's tree since 1990 at least.) I'm not strongly opposed to COLLECT, but neither am I a great fan of it. Cheers, -- Nikodemus