it appears that since June Alexandria exports COPY-FILE, as well as a bunch of other file-related primitives.
Is the resulting loss of simultaneous :use-ability of cl-fad and alexandria being regarded as something undesirable by the project maintainers?
i have a lot of :shadowing-import-from in my projects due to such clashes, so it i don't consider it unusual.
I wouldn't mind seeing the stuff in io.lisp moving from Alexandria to CL-Fad. It'd keep Alexandria stay more focused.
i would, although i'm not completly against it. my concerns are: - there's no public DVCS repo for cl-fad and therefore it's more cumbersome to make changes to it. - the interface of the two versions of copy-stream represent different approaches (&optional/&key; the impl in cl-fad depends on sb-executable:copy-stream, which is arguably exported at all from there). - imho, these utilities fall in the "often needed basic stuff" category (<100 lines with comments) but on the other hand, the copy-stream in alexandria wasn't tested on too many lisps (at least by me)... so, all in all, i'd prefer to keep io.lisp in alexandria, but it's only one vote. -- attila