Hi Alexandrians, Clojure has a function that I occasionally find useful, reductions. It's like reduce, only it returns not the last value of calling the two-arg function, but a list consisting of the first element of the input sequence, followed by the result of calling the two-arg with the first and second elements of the input sequence, then the result of calling the two-arg function with the previous result and the third element, and so on... e.g.: CL-USER> (reductions #'+ '(1 2 3 4)) (1 3 6 10) Here's the code. There are probably better ways to do this, but this is at least portable and simple. I think this would be a useful addition to alexandria. (defun reductions (function sequence &rest args) (let ((l (list (first sequence)))) (apply #'reduce (lambda (a b) (let ((val (funcall function a b))) (push val l) val)) sequence args) (nreverse l))) thanks, Cyrus