Hello. I wander if it's a known issue that alexandria tests fail on ACL and CMUCL? (there also failures on CLISP, but they are marked as "known failres" in the test suite) For you convenience here is the list of failed tests and what compilers are affected by each failure (from the test results we collected on the recent Quicklisp): "alist-hash-table.1" => ("clisp-2.49+-unix") "copy-hash-table.1" => ("acl-8.2a-linux-x64" "clisp-2.49+-unix") "copy-sequence.1" => ("cmu-20c_release-20c__20c_unicode_-linux-x86") "plist-hash-table.1" => ("clisp-2.49+-unix") "type=.3" => ("acl-8.2a-linux-x64") "type=.4" => ("acl-8.2a-linux-x64") More information (with the test run logs where more details may be found): http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-test-grid/pivot_lib_ql-lisp.html Best regards, - Anton