Hi Robert, Robert Smith <quad@symbo1ics.com> writes:
I've created a patch that adds MULF and DIVF, which do what you might expect (modify macros for * and /). I also added some numerical predicates that I myself like, as well as others: POSITIVEP, NEGATIVEP, NON-POSITIVE-P, NON-NEGATIVE-P, NON-ZERO-P. As you might notice, they sound especially familiar to those who read mathematics literature.
MULF and DIVF could be useful (but note that many people spell the first as MULTF). However, I don't think that MUL(T)F and DIVF should take a default factor/divisor argument --- personally, I would find (DIVF FORM) somewhat confusing. I don't really see the value of aliases for PLUSP and MINUSP, and I have some doubts about NON-ZERO-P too. Best, Tamas