After brief discussion on #lisp, I hereby suggest a macro for inclusion in Alexandria.
The macro in question is NOTF.
## Reason:
An example code (from my own project) for negating the value of a place is: (setf (left-now-p (walk-parent shape)) (not (left-now-p (walk-parent shape)))) This code is problematic because a) it causes double evaluation of place subforms, b) it's long and repetitive.
I would rather write: (notf (left-now-p (walk-parent shape)))
Lisp has modify macros like INCF/DECF for numbers but does not have such a macro for booleans. It seems like a trivial utility, but also one that might be easily overlooked.
## Upsides:
The place is evaluated only once. The resulting code is shorter.
## Downsides
None that I can see at the moment.
## Code:
;; Please forgive me - I am not used to making PRs by mail.
(export 'notf :alexandria)
(define-modify-macro notf () not "Sets the value of PLACE to its logical negation and returns the new value.")
BR Michal "phoe" Herda