[alexandria-devel] Proposed addition of temporary file creation utilities

Hi, following up on an IRC discussion yesterday, I am proposing the addition of the OPEN-TEMPORARY function and WITH-OPEN-TEMPORARY-FILE macro below (and on http://paste.lisp.org/display/129090#14). It implements functionality that is commonly required, but that is not available in any other library in a portable fashion. osicat has been suggested, but it does not implement temporary file handling on Windows. This posting is to determine whether there is opposition regarding inclusion in Alexandria. I'll re-post as a proper patch including symbol exports when there is agreement to include it. -Hans (in-package :alexandria) (defparameter *default-temporary-directory* #P"/tmp/") (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute) (when (and (null (logical-pathname-translations "TEMPORARY-FILES")) (probe-file *default-temporary-directory*)) (setf (logical-pathname-translations "temporary-files") `(("*.*.*" ,*default-temporary-directory*))))) (defparameter *max-tries* 10000) (defun generate-random-name (prefix) (format nil "~A-~36R-~36R" prefix (random 100000000) (get-internal-real-time))) (define-condition cannot-create-temporary-file (error) ((directory :initarg :directory) (prefix :initarg :prefix) (type :initarg :type) (max-tries :initarg :max-tries)) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (with-slots (directory prefix type max-tries) condition (format stream "cannot create temporary file in directory ~A with template ~A.~A, giving up after ~D attempt~:P" (translate-logical-pathname directory) prefix type max-tries))))) (defun open-temporary (&rest open-arguments &key type (prefix "temp") (directory #P"TEMPORARY-FILES:") (generate-random-name 'generate-random-name) (max-tries *max-tries*) &allow-other-keys) "Create a file with a randomly generated name and return the opened stream. The generated pathname consists of the PREFIX with a pseudo-random suffix. Its type will be TYPE. Temporary files are generated in DIRECTORY which defaults to the logical pathname temporary TEMPORARY-FILES:, which must be properly set up. The name of the temporary file can be accessed calling the PATHNAME function on STREAM. For convenience, the temporary file is opened on the physical pathname, i.e. the pathname translation is performed before opening the stream. GENERATE-RANDOM-NAME can be passed to override the default function that transforms PREFIX into a pseudorandom file name. It needs to accept one argument, the PREFIX string passed, and return the generated file name. In order to create a unique file name, OPEN-TEMPORARY may loop internally up to MAX-TRIES times before giving up and signalling a CANNOT-CREATE-TEMPORARY-FILE condition." (loop thereis (apply #'open (translate-logical-pathname (make-pathname :name (funcall generate-random-name prefix) :type type :defaults directory)) :direction :output :if-exists nil (remove-from-plist open-arguments :type prefix directory generate-random-name max-tries)) repeat max-tries finally (error 'cannot-create-temporary-file :directory directory :prefix prefix :type type :max-tries max-tries))) (defmacro with-open-temporary-file ((stream &rest args) &body body) "Create a temporary file using OPEN-TEMPORARY with ARGS and run BODY with STREAM bound to the temporary file stream. See OPEN-TEMPORARY for permitted options." `(with-open-stream (,stream (open-temporary ,@args)) ,@body))

Hans Hübner <hans.huebner@gmail.com> writes:
(defun generate-random-name (prefix) (format nil "~A-~36R-~36R" prefix (random 100000000) (get-internal-real-time)))
I'd use: (format nil "~:@(~36,8,'0R~)" (random (expt 36 8))) to generate a random part of the name. And if you want to include the time: (format nil "~:@(~36,11,'0R-~36,8,'0R~)" (get-internal-real-time) (random (expt 36 8))) but the time is not very random (ie. you're using up file name characters for nothing). If you want to add ten characters to the file name, just use a bigger random number: (let ((n 18)) (format nil "~:@(~36,V,'0R~)" n (random (expt 36 n)))) But I'd argue that with a program specific prefix and 8 base-36 random digits are enough to avoid collisions (that's 41+ bits). Just make sure to use a really random seed: use your own random-state randomly initialized!
(defun open-temporary (&rest open-arguments
I'd prefer the name OPEN-TEMPORARY-FILE.
&key type (prefix "temp")
I'd use "TEMP"; "temp" is not conforming for a logical pathname component. See 19.3.1 Syntax of Logical Pathname Namestrings
(directory #P"TEMPORARY-FILES:")
(translate-logical-pathname (make-pathname :name (funcall generate-random-name prefix) :type type
:defaults directory))
Add :case :common ; :case :local which is the default doesn't sound safe to me with logical pathnames.
(defmacro with-open-temporary-file ((stream &rest args) &body body)
I'd name it WITH-TEMPORARY-FILE but WITH-OPEN-TEMPORARY-FILE might be ok. -- __Pascal Bourguignon__ http://www.informatimago.com/ A bad day in () is better than a good day in {}.

On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 09:35, Hans Hübner <hans.huebner@gmail.com> wrote:
following up on an IRC discussion yesterday, I am proposing the addition of the OPEN-TEMPORARY function and WITH-OPEN-TEMPORARY-FILE macro below (and on http://paste.lisp.org/display/129090#14). It implements functionality that is commonly required, but that is not available in any other library in a portable fashion. osicat has been suggested, but it does not implement temporary file handling on Windows.
This posting is to determine whether there is opposition regarding inclusion in Alexandria. I'll re-post as a proper patch including symbol exports when there is agreement to include it.
xcvb-driver includes a with-temporary-file facility that does more than your proposed code, including support for open or closed temporary files (and if open, with proper element-type and external-format), binding or not binding the pathname, decent defaults for a temporary directory on Windows and RMCL (but not genera), and whether to keep the file or not outside the body. The main missing feature is proper umask settings on Unix, or at least a hook for such settings to be added on top. That means that the feature cannot be used where security matters, or the underlying call-with-temporary-file function must be wholly replaced. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org Have the courage to take your own thoughts seriously, for they will shape you. — Albert Einstein

Faré, I like the portable getenv implementation - Not having that available is why my proposal uses a logical pathname so that one can define the temporary directory easily from the outside. Then again, I'm not sure that Alexandria should include loads of implementation specific switches. It might then be better to combine a cross-implementation getenv and the temporary file handling stuff into a trivial-temporary-file library and let Quicklisp do the rest. -Hans 2012/4/22 Faré <fahree@gmail.com>:
On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 09:35, Hans Hübner <hans.huebner@gmail.com> wrote:
following up on an IRC discussion yesterday, I am proposing the addition of the OPEN-TEMPORARY function and WITH-OPEN-TEMPORARY-FILE macro below (and on http://paste.lisp.org/display/129090#14). It implements functionality that is commonly required, but that is not available in any other library in a portable fashion. osicat has been suggested, but it does not implement temporary file handling on Windows.
This posting is to determine whether there is opposition regarding inclusion in Alexandria. I'll re-post as a proper patch including symbol exports when there is agreement to include it.
xcvb-driver includes a with-temporary-file facility that does more than your proposed code, including support for open or closed temporary files (and if open, with proper element-type and external-format), binding or not binding the pathname, decent defaults for a temporary directory on Windows and RMCL (but not genera), and whether to keep the file or not outside the body.
The main missing feature is proper umask settings on Unix, or at least a hook for such settings to be added on top. That means that the feature cannot be used where security matters, or the underlying call-with-temporary-file function must be wholly replaced.
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org Have the courage to take your own thoughts seriously, for they will shape you. — Albert Einstein

I like the portable getenv implementation - Not having that available is why my proposal uses a logical pathname so that one can define the temporary directory easily from the outside.
Both asdf and xcvb-driver export getenv.
Then again, I'm not sure that Alexandria should include loads of implementation specific switches. It might then be better to combine a cross-implementation getenv and the temporary file handling stuff into a trivial-temporary-file library and let Quicklisp do the rest.
If you're unwilling to handle non-trivial system dependencies in alexandria, then maybe alexandria is not the place for this particular piece of code. Osicat, iolib (why do we need two such libraries?) might be better suited, or you could use xcvb-driver that exports this piece of functionality. OT: Zach, I made many related changes in asdf, fare-utils, xcvb, recently, and pushed working combinations yesterday. I also still haven't implemented self-upgrade of xcvb, which is required in case the cached xcvb executable is older than your xcvb driver needs. But at least, it will error out loudly now. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org Not all Law is created equal before Man. Some Law causes least conflict and least perverse incentives. By definition we call it Natural Law.

2012/4/22 Faré <fahree@gmail.com>:
I like the portable getenv implementation - Not having that available is why my proposal uses a logical pathname so that one can define the temporary directory easily from the outside.
Both asdf and xcvb-driver export getenv.
I am aware of that. I am lobbying for the inclusion in Alexandria so that libraries which need the functionality need not depend on a build system for this basic, non build-related functionality. The idea was motivated by work someone does on Postmodern, and even though Quicklisp exists, having Postmodern depend on either XCVB or ASDF does not seem like The Right Thing.
Then again, I'm not sure that Alexandria should include loads of implementation specific switches. It might then be better to combine a cross-implementation getenv and the temporary file handling stuff into a trivial-temporary-file library and let Quicklisp do the rest.
If you're unwilling to handle non-trivial system dependencies in alexandria, then maybe alexandria is not the place for this particular piece of code. Osicat, iolib (why do we need two such libraries?) might be better suited, or you could use xcvb-driver that exports this piece of functionality.
Neither osicat nor iolib offer portable implementations for temporary file name generation. -Hans

2012/4/22 Hans Hübner <hans.huebner@gmail.com>:
2012/4/22 Faré <fahree@gmail.com>:
I like the portable getenv implementation - Not having that available is why my proposal uses a logical pathname so that one can define the temporary directory easily from the outside.
Both asdf and xcvb-driver export getenv.
I am aware of that. I am lobbying for the inclusion in Alexandria so that libraries which need the functionality need not depend on a build system for this basic, non build-related functionality. The idea was motivated by work someone does on Postmodern, and even though Quicklisp exists, having Postmodern depend on either XCVB or ASDF does not seem like The Right Thing.
Unless postmodern can be loaded without ASDF, I don't see a problem with making its dependency on ASDF explicit. Also, xcvb-driver itself is not a build system (xcvb is), it's a basic runtime, providing portable abstractions from the underlying system. XCVB has a strict dependency on xcvb-driver, but the reverse dependency is looser. Maybe that would be more obvious if I split its repository from that of xcvb itself?
If you're unwilling to handle non-trivial system dependencies in alexandria, then maybe alexandria is not the place for this particular piece of code. Osicat, iolib (why do we need two such libraries?) might be better suited, or you could use xcvb-driver that exports this piece of functionality.
Neither osicat nor iolib offer portable implementations for temporary file name generation.
My point is that you should offer a patch to these systems, not to alexandria, if you are to depend on functionality only these systems can provide to do the Right Thing(tm) with respect to temporary files. And if only for security purposes, that seems like a good idea: if you introducing a potential security issue in a basic library, that gets inherited implicitly by all innocent users of a poorly written piece of code, that's a poor way to promote Lisp as a serious language in which to write serious software. I'd rather any widely promoted version of with-temporary-file either use mkstemp with appropriate defaults for the directory, or try very hard to behave in a similar fashion to mkostemp with appropriate defaults. Unhappily, setting the umask around an otherwise umask-ignorant with-temporary-file is not thread-safe. For well-delimited purposes such as in xcvb-driver, trusting the umask might be OK, but for a basic foundational library such as alexandria, I believe it's inviting disaster. Please submit an enhancement to iolib or osicat instead of alexandria. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org License Agreement: By reading this message, you agree to run around the room which you are currently in, flapping your arms, and squawking like a chicken.

I'd rather any widely promoted version of with-temporary-file either use mkstemp with appropriate defaults for the directory, or try very hard to behave in a similar fashion to mkostemp with appropriate defaults. Unhappily, setting the umask around an otherwise umask-ignorant with-temporary-file is not thread-safe. To Hans In addition to the suggested use of mkstemp kind of things, I'd like to
On 4/22/2012 10:31 AM, Faré wrote: point out that your proposed code's use of 'random' may not be thread safe (I don't mean it's hazardous, but it may not generate unique names). May not be a big deal, but just one more point to consider. -Antony

On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 1:55 PM, Antony <lisp.linux@gmail.com> wrote:
In addition to the suggested use of mkstemp kind of things, I'd like to point out that your proposed code's use of 'random' may not be thread safe (I don't mean it's hazardous, but it may not generate unique names). May not be a big deal, but just one more point to consider.
Thank you for pointing that out. I'm not quite sure whether one can expect calls to be thread-safe or not. The standard certainly has nothing to say about this, but maybe someone here knows what the implementations do? Thanks, Hans

Faré, neither iolib nor osicat are the right place for temporary file handling operators like the one I proposed. Both these libraries are specifically targeted towards POSIX systems, so there is no chance that they will cooperate, say, with ABCL. Setting the process umask is something that is completely unrelated to portably creating temporary files. If this is not going into Alexandria, there are two likely other outcomes: Either the code goes into Postmodern, giving the next person the same problem (and I've not had this problem once, but many times), or it will end up in a trivial-temporary-file library that may include some conditional code for setting up the default temporary directory in a meaningful way. With Quicklisp, this would not hurt much, but it certainly feels a little silly to additional trivial-whatever libraries for basic functionality. Your remarks regarding how this request represents a "poor way to promote Lisp as a serious language" are unwelcome, unconstructive and wrong. Thank you for not continuing on that path. -Hans

Hans Hübner <hans.huebner@gmail.com> writes:
neither iolib nor osicat are the right place for temporary file handling operators like the one I proposed. Both these libraries are specifically targeted towards POSIX systems, so there is no chance that they will cooperate, say, with ABCL.
A lot of systems implement the POSIX API. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POSIX Does the JVM run on a non-POSIX plateform? Does it not provide the mkstemp(3) POSIX function?
Setting the process umask is something that is completely unrelated to portably creating temporary files.
You mean to say that (CL) portably creating temporary files cannot be done controling the umask, because there's no such notion in CL. That's all right, and for a lot of uses, this may be OK, but that doesn't fulfill the need for a mkstemp() when the security consideration need to be taken into account, ie. as soon as you're writing a real program. Ie. there's no point in providing a conforming temporary file creation, for real stuff you need a portability temporary file creation library that allows the setting of umask.
If this is not going into Alexandria, there are two likely other outcomes: Either the code goes into Postmodern, giving the next person the same problem (and I've not had this problem once, but many times), or it will end up in a trivial-temporary-file library that may include some conditional code for setting up the default temporary directory in a meaningful way. With Quicklisp, this would not hurt much, but it certainly feels a little silly to additional trivial-whatever libraries for basic functionality.
You're discovering that creation of temporary files is not so trivial after all. On unix, this has a long history of tries and failures. To wit: mktemp(3) BUGS Never use mktemp(). Some implementations follow 4.3BSD and replace XXXXXX by the current process ID and a single letter, so that at most 26 different names can be returned. Since on the one hand the names are easy to guess, and on the other hand there is a race between testing whether the name exists and opening the file, every use of mktemp() is a security risk. The race is avoided by mkstemp(3). tempnam(3) NOTES Although tempnam() generates names that are difficult to guess, it is nevertheless possible that between the time that tempnam() returns a pathname, and the time that the program opens it, another program might create that pathname using open(2), or create it as a symbolic link. This can lead to security holes. To avoid such possi‐ bilities, use the open(2) O_EXCL flag to open the pathname. Or better yet, use mkstemp(3) or tmpfile(3). SUSv2 does not mention the use of TMPDIR; glibc will use it only when the program is not set-user-ID. On SVr4, the directory used under d) is /tmp (and this is what glibc does). Because it dynamically allocates memory used to return the pathname, tempnam() is reentrant, and thus thread safe, unlike tmpnam(3). The tempnam() function generates a different string each time it is called, up to TMP_MAX (defined in <stdio.h>) times. If it is called more than TMP_MAX times, the behavior is implementation defined. tempnam() uses at most the first five bytes from pfx. The glibc implementation of tempnam() will fail with the error EEXIST upon failure to find a unique name. BUGS The precise meaning of "appropriate" is undefined; it is unspecified how accessibil‐ ity of a directory is determined. Never use this function. Use mkstemp(3) or tmpfile(3) instead. mkstemp(3) NOTES The old behavior of creating a file with mode 0666 may be a security risk, especially since other UNIX flavors use 0600, and somebody might overlook this detail when porting pro‐ grams. More generally, the POSIX specification of mkstemp() does not say anything about file modes, so the application should make sure its file mode creation mask (see umask(2)) is set appropriately before calling mkstemp() (and mkostemp()). So it's not the first time that such difficulties are identified in an apparently simple API. Again, for a toy, just creating a randomly named file is ok. But in production code you will need more than that.
Your remarks regarding how this request represents a "poor way to promote Lisp as a serious language" are unwelcome, unconstructive and wrong. Thank you for not continuing on that path.
That's a little strong. -- __Pascal Bourguignon__ http://www.informatimago.com/ A bad day in () is better than a good day in {}.

On Apr 22, 2012, at 15:26, Pascal J. Bourguignon wrote:
Hans Hübner <hans.huebner@gmail.com> writes:
neither iolib nor osicat are the right place for temporary file handling operators like the one I proposed. Both these libraries are specifically targeted towards POSIX systems, so there is no chance that they will cooperate, say, with ABCL.
A lot of systems implement the POSIX API. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POSIX
Does the JVM run on a non-POSIX plateform? Does it not provide the mkstemp(3) POSIX function?
Java (relevantly, the VM and the standard libraries) seeks to define its own platform. It does not, as a general rule, expose any of the POSIX APIs. There are many POSIX facilities which cannot be invoked without custom native code; I don't know offhand whether mkstemp(3), per se, is one of them. A quick glance at the docs indicates that there is a facility to create a temporary file, but I do not know whether it is sound in the ways under discussion. <http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/io/File.html#createTempFile(java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String,%20java.io.File)> -- Kevin Reid <http://switchb.org/kpreid/>

I'm coming on the side of saying that this has a place in Madeira, (first version of which I'm releasing before the end of May.) Madeira can deal with the umask and thread-safety of *random-state*, whereas Alexandria has so far resisted unportable or implementation specific code -- and dealing with those two requires that. Umask could be degreed to simply be the process umask, which would be suboptimal but acceptable, but thread-safety is more serious -- though I suspect that parallel RANDOM calls should at worst produce degraded quality of random numbers, not corruption or errors, but every time someone assumes "this can't cause serious issues" a kitten dies, so... Cheers, -- nikodemus

Nikodemus, I've already packaged the functionality into a separate library: http://netzhansa.com/temporary-file.html - I have some things to clean up and improve before releasing it into Quicklisp. The random state in that implementation is protected by a lock - The overhead should be negligible, given that the lock is grabbed in the context of a file operation. Dealing with the umask has no place in this library. "umask" is a system-specific concept, and file security is something that is orthogonal to temporary files. If an application wishes to give its temporary files different permissions than other files that it creates, it should do so explicitly. And besides, why put temporary files into a shared directory in the first place? The right way to deal with possible issues in this respect is to create an application specific temporary directory that is completely protected before starting the application, and communicating that directory to the application by the way of the TEMP or TMPDIR environment variable. That is how Windows and OSX do it, and it is much better than trying to protect files in a shared /tmp/ directory. As if we did not have a hierarchical file system for a few decades. That said, I'm not particularly fond of having a separate library for such a simple thing and I'd be glad to see it be merged to some other utility type library that is not restricted to certain styles of system interfaces (i.e. POSIX). -Hans On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 6:11 AM, Nikodemus Siivola <nikodemus@random-state.net> wrote:
I'm coming on the side of saying that this has a place in Madeira, (first version of which I'm releasing before the end of May.)
Madeira can deal with the umask and thread-safety of *random-state*, whereas Alexandria has so far resisted unportable or implementation specific code -- and dealing with those two requires that.
Umask could be degreed to simply be the process umask, which would be suboptimal but acceptable, but thread-safety is more serious -- though I suspect that parallel RANDOM calls should at worst produce degraded quality of random numbers, not corruption or errors, but every time someone assumes "this can't cause serious issues" a kitten dies, so...
-- nikodemus

On Wed, 2012-04-25 at 06:26 -0400, Hans Hübner wrote:
Dealing with the umask has no place in this library. "umask" is a system-specific concept, and file security is something that is orthogonal to temporary files. If an application wishes to give its temporary files different permissions than other files that it creates, it should do so explicitly.
Quite the opposite, the permissions must be specified at creation time, otherwise it's useless
And besides, why put temporary files into a shared directory in the first place?
Old habits(a.k.a. Unix tradition). Distributions are slowly changing this, but a Lisp library should work in any case
The right way to deal with possible issues in this respect is to create an application specific temporary directory that is completely protected before starting the application, and communicating that directory to the application by the way of the TEMP or TMPDIR environment variable. That is how Windows and OSX do it, and it is much better than trying to protect files in a shared /tmp/ directory. As if we did not have a hierarchical file system for a few decades.
That's not how they do it. Windows and OSX have a user-specific temporary directory and applications usually create a subdirectory of their own but with a well-known name: see documentation for NSTemporaryDirectory, for example -- Stelian Ionescu a.k.a. fe[nl]ix Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur. http://common-lisp.net/project/iolib

On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 8:42 AM, Stelian Ionescu <sionescu@cddr.org> wrote:
On Wed, 2012-04-25 at 06:26 -0400, Hans Hübner wrote:
Dealing with the umask has no place in this library. "umask" is a system-specific concept, and file security is something that is orthogonal to temporary files. If an application wishes to give its temporary files different permissions than other files that it creates, it should do so explicitly.
Quite the opposite, the permissions must be specified at creation time, otherwise it's useless
If the Lisp implementation provides a means to specify the file permissions to cl:open, then that would be how it should be done for temporary files, too. I do not understand what you mean by "quite the opposite" here. Is there anything in the proposed API that makes it impossible to specify file permissions, if so supported by the underlying implementation?
And besides, why put temporary files into a shared directory in the first place?
Old habits(a.k.a. Unix tradition). Distributions are slowly changing this, but a Lisp library should work in any case
Yes. As it does.
The right way to deal with possible issues in this respect is to create an application specific temporary directory that is completely protected before starting the application, and communicating that directory to the application by the way of the TEMP or TMPDIR environment variable. That is how Windows and OSX do it, and it is much better than trying to protect files in a shared /tmp/ directory. As if we did not have a hierarchical file system for a few decades.
That's not how they do it. Windows and OSX have a user-specific temporary directory and applications usually create a subdirectory of their own but with a well-known name: see documentation for NSTemporaryDirectory, for example
Windows and OSX do better than Unix by default in that they have user specific temporary directories, and this is all that we're discussing anyway. The only isolation that one can hope to have is on a per-user level, i.e. one may want to prevent that a process running under a some user ID can access a (temporary or non-temporary) file created by a process running under a different user ID. By making the user-specific temporary directories inaccessible to other user IDs, this goal is neatly achieved. -Hans

On Wed, 2012-04-25 at 09:05 -0400, Hans Hübner wrote:
On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 8:42 AM, Stelian Ionescu <sionescu@cddr.org> wrote:
On Wed, 2012-04-25 at 06:26 -0400, Hans Hübner wrote:
Dealing with the umask has no place in this library. "umask" is a system-specific concept, and file security is something that is orthogonal to temporary files. If an application wishes to give its temporary files different permissions than other files that it creates, it should do so explicitly.
Quite the opposite, the permissions must be specified at creation time, otherwise it's useless
If the Lisp implementation provides a means to specify the file permissions to cl:open, then that would be how it should be done for temporary files, too. I do not understand what you mean by "quite the opposite" here. Is there anything in the proposed API that makes it impossible to specify file permissions, if so supported by the underlying implementation?
To achieve safety, the umask must be specified on creation. If cl:open doesn't allow that, then it's effectively useless for the purpose of properly creating temporary files
That's not how they do it. Windows and OSX have a user-specific temporary directory and applications usually create a subdirectory of their own but with a well-known name: see documentation for NSTemporaryDirectory, for example
Windows and OSX do better than Unix by default in that they have user specific temporary directories, and this is all that we're discussing anyway. The only isolation that one can hope to have is on a per-user level, i.e. one may want to prevent that a process running under a some user ID can access a (temporary or non-temporary) file created by a process running under a different user ID. By making the user-specific temporary directories inaccessible to other user IDs, this goal is neatly achieved.
The goal should be to protect, as much as possible, also against malicious programs running under the same UID and randomizing file and directory names, as opposed to using well-known names, is very useful in that regard -- Stelian Ionescu a.k.a. fe[nl]ix Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur. http://common-lisp.net/project/iolib

On Wed, 25 Apr 2012, Hans Hübner wrote:
Windows and OSX do better than Unix by default in that they have user specific temporary directories, and this is all that we're discussing anyway. The only isolation that one can hope to have is on a per-user level, i.e. one may want to prevent that a process running under a some user ID can access a (temporary or non-temporary) file created by a process running under a different user ID. By making the user-specific temporary directories inaccessible to other user IDs, this goal is neatly achieved.
What you describe is very similar to the mktemp command on most linux systems. Use the TMPDIR environment variable, create a directory, etc. http://www.mktemp.org/manual.html http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/html_node/mktemp-invocation.htm... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TMPDIR Whether these directories are somewhere in a home directory or collected under /tmp is irrelevant to security -- permissions in either place can be toggled. Collecting them under /tmp is convenient if "root" wants to blow them all away at once, and many systems are set up to automate such cleanup. - Daniel

2012/4/22 Hans Hübner <hans.huebner@gmail.com>:
neither iolib nor osicat are the right place for temporary file handling operators like the one I proposed. Both these libraries are specifically targeted towards POSIX systems, so there is no chance that they will cooperate, say, with ABCL.
iolib certainly *intends* to be more portable than that, but admittedly isn't quite there yet.
Setting the process umask is something that is completely unrelated to portably creating temporary files.
The umask, atomicity and a proper directory are all important security concerns. An implementation that doesn't make sure these issues are handled should make sure to tag itself as "not for use where security matters" AND to encourage all its clients to taint themselves as such, too. Failure of my implementation to properly address security concerns (for the same reason as yours) is one reason I haven't pushed my own with-temporary-file for semi-standardization in the past. I still believe its API is better than the one you propose (though I can imagine further improvements for creation modes, early deletion, etc.).
If this is not going into Alexandria, there are two likely other outcomes: Either the code goes into Postmodern, giving the next person the same problem (and I've not had this problem once, but many times), or it will end up in a trivial-temporary-file library that may include some conditional code for setting up the default temporary directory in a meaningful way. With Quicklisp, this would not hurt much, but it certainly feels a little silly to additional trivial-whatever libraries for basic functionality.
Please go the trivial-temporary-file way. It is not silly at all.
Your remarks regarding how this request represents a "poor way to promote Lisp as a serious language" are unwelcome, unconstructive and wrong. Thank you for not continuing on that path.
Reinventing an octogonal wheel then trying to semi-standardize it is poor taste. Please either use existing round wheels, or make it round if you make a new one. Please no 90% solutions that come bite you later; or at the very least, document it as a 90% solution and discourage its use in code that aims at providing 100% abstractions. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org Truth comes as conqueror only to those who have lost the art of receiving it as friend. — Tagore
participants (8)
Daniel Herring
Hans Hübner
Kevin Reid
Nikodemus Siivola
Pascal J. Bourguignon
Stelian Ionescu