Dear users, mailing list owners,
You're receiving this message because you're listed as a mailing list owner
or because you have a login account. If you have different
mail addresses associated with both, you may get multiple copies. Apologies
for that in advance.
We're sending this mail to announce policy changes intended to be executed
as of March 15th regarding mailing list setup. [For further discussion,
please direct to clo-devel(a)]
Changes to mailing list headers and footer
Google is tightening their DKIM validation; most of our mailing lists cause
invalid DKIM signatures on out-going mails:
* Adding the Subject prefix '[<mailing list>]' invalidates the DKIM
signature of the original sender
* Adding the e-mail footer may invalidate the e-mail's DKIM signature
Since Google, Yahoo! and other big mail providers are moving to signing
their outgoing mail, the percentage of invalid mail sent by
increases. This hurts our reputation as a mail sender and has led to problems
with Google accepting mail. (Admitted, DKIM was not the only
Due to the above, we will change the mailing list setup for all mailing lists:
* No longer add the mailing list subject prefix
* No longer add the mailing list footer
* Add the List-* headers as per RFC-2369,
filtering of mailing list messages can be done using these fields
Change to moderation expiration
Additionally, we've found that many mailing lists have been set to not expire
mails in the moderation queue, resulting in a moderation queue of 10-thousands
of mails some more than 8 months old. Recognizing most of these mails are
probably not being moderated because they are spam, we intend to change all
mailing lists which do not expire their moderation queue to expire moderation
requests after 90 days.
Again, the above is an intended policy change. Please send feedback on
Kind regards, admins