[ann] [Bese-announce] UCW 0.3.6

UnCommon Web version 0.3.6 Released 2005-02-08 * Home page http://common-lisp.net/project/ucw/ * Download ftp://ftp.common-lisp.net/pub/project/ucw/ucw_0.3.6.tar.gz * Changes (since 0.3.4) ** Components - Values passed to :component slot argument are now evaluated when the value is a list. This eliminates the need for many of the trivial initialize-instance :after methods. - A young but stable and fully functioning HTML FORM component collection has been added. - The defcomponent macro has been reintroduced (though it is obviously much simpler than it once was). - New component dependency protocol. - The *action-url-generator* special variable has been replaced by the compute-url, update-url and component dependency protocol. - New REDIRECT component for sending HTTP redirect headers. - New TASK component. - Fixed and improved error-component component. ** Component Rendering - Component rendering error handling has been improved. ** Actions - New :isolate actions. ** TAL/YACLML - Fixed handling of <ucw:input :type "checkbox" tags. - Added <ucw:button tag ** RERL - The URLs associated with entry-points are now registered with the backend individually (instead of registering an entire directory as was done previously). ** Documentation - Minor improvements to docs strings, manual and comments in example code. - Many typos have been corrected. ** Backends - The port for the aserve backend can now be set when creating the backend object, this avoids having to conditionalize the (supposedly) backend independant startup-server form. - The mod_lisp backend now properly supports generating multiple headers in HTTP responses. - New araneida backend. ** Other - Added support for CLISP and Allegro Common Lisp. - The CPS transformer can now allert the user to possible order-of-evaluation bugs. * Prerequisites ** Prerequisites included in the distribution - arnesi - yaclml - cl-icu - iterate - mod_lisp ** Prerequisites you must download and install manually - a recent CVS version of SLIME. You must have the new inspector for the ucw-inspector to work. - portableaserve 1.2.35 should you want the aserve backend. - apache (1.x or 2.x) should you want to use the mod_lisp backend. - araneida 0.9 should you want to use the araneida backend. * Known Issues - Application dumping does not currently work (and will probably be removed in the near future). * Supported Platforms Using the mod_lisp backend UCW is known to work on OpenMCL (darwin), CMUCL (linux-x86), SBCL (linux-x86). Using the aserve backend UCW is known to work on SBCL (linux-x86) and Allegro (windows). Using the araneida backend UCW is know to work on OpenMCL (darwin), CMUCL (linux-x86), SBCL (linux-x86) and CLISP (windows). -- -Marco Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget the perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. -Leonard Cohen _______________________________________________ bese-announce mailing list bese-announce@common-lisp.net http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/bese-announce
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Marco Baringer