[ann] [tbnl-announce] New version 0.4.0 (Was: Patches and example for running TBNL and Araneida together)

Hi! On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 08:22:00 -0500, Bob Hutchison <hutch@recursive.ca> wrote:
I've attached patches for both Araneida and TBNL to this message. Sorry for the cross-posting but there is some co-ordination required here and I thought this would be a good way to do it.
Thanks. I've released a new version of TBNL (0.4.0) which includes your patches and some initial documentation on how to use it - please check. It worked for me with LispWorks and AllegroCL but I get an error with CMUCL: No matching method for the generic function #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION ARANEIDA::HTTP-LISTENER-THREADS (1) {5964F471}>, when called with arguments (#<ARANEIDA:SERVE-EVENT-REVERSE-PROXY-LISTENER {593B3BC5}>). [Condition of type PCL::NO-APPLICABLE-METHOD-ERROR]
Unfortunately there is a really *nasty* bug with the browser->tbnl connection -- it consumes about 250k of memory for every access. I cannot see the problem, and I'm looking for help :-)
How does one test the browser->tbnl part?
I don't know how the tbnl-araneida package with the example should be distributed.
I've modified it and added it to the TBNL distribution. It'll now basically show the same pages the Apache/mod_lisp demo shows. Hope that's OK for you. Thanks again, Edi. _______________________________________________ tbnl-announce site list tbnl-announce@common-lisp.net http://common-lisp.net/mailman/listinfo/tbnl-announce
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Edi Weitz