Hi, As far as I understand, gsll is being merged with antik, so I am posting here. I am trying to install gsll using quicklisp and I run into an error, as reported in the attachment below. This seems to be related to cffi-grovel, which is installed. $ ls ~/.quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/cffi_0.10.6/grovel/asdf.lisp common.h grovel.lisp invoke.lisp package.lisp CL-USER> (find-package 'cffi-grovel) #<PACKAGE "CFFI-GROVEL"> I am on debian squeeze, using sbcl from the repos. I have installed the following packages related to gsl libgsl0-dev, libgsl0ldbl, libffi-dev, gsl-doc-info, gsl-ref-html I also tried to load gsll with asdf, but I run into the same error CL-USER> (asdf:load-system "gsll") Error while trying to load definition for system gsll from pathname /home/harven/.quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/gsll-20111105-git/gsll.asd: The variable #:CFFI-GROVEL is unbound. [Condition of type ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR] Any suggestion ? Regards, -- Harven