I just pushed to my github repository my version of data-frames. You can see a very annotated set of examples (with png plots) on http://github.com/mirkov/data-table/tree/master/user/example1. It is built on top antik & gsll.
As this code might duplicate work already performed by David Hodge on CL-stat, a couple of comments are in order:
1) I developed this code based on my own needs for some simple data analysis, and started independently of David 2) It was great fun, and I learned some neat programming techniques 3) I *do* plan to move to CL-stat once the crunch related to my current project subsides 4) At that time, I will gladly move on to David's code, and as necessary port some of my stuff to his code (if required)
The annotated examples show: - reading of a file into a table - dealing with missing values - querying and selecting parts of the table - filling of missing values by interpolation - linear and non-linear fitting
The first three use a syntax of PCL's chapter 27 The latter two use GSLL. The examples show the simplified interface for performing interpolation and fits.
Finally, to close with a warning: this code is of fleeting nature, as I do want it to become part of CL-stat. I am posting it here in case David and others see something useful in it to incorporate in their current work.