The lisp commands to build abcl in the build-from-lisp.bash script have a problem: they’re mere progn forms.
When an error occurs, the lisp implementations will enter into the debugger and expect an interactive debugging.
This prevents building abcl in automatic scripts, such as:
function install_abcl_from_sources(){
# Assume ccl is available.
cd "${PREFIX}"/src/
local url='http://abcl.org/releases/1.4.0/abcl-src-1.4.0.tar.gz'
local tarball;tarball="$(basename "${url}")"
local dir;dir="$(basename "${tarball}" .tar.gz)"
local jdkhome;jdkhome="$(java_home)"
local logbase;logbase="$(pwd)/${dir}"
export JAVA_HOME="${jdkhome}"
if [[ ! -e "${tarball}" ]] ; then
download "${url}"
unarchive "${tarball}" "${dir}"
cd "${dir}"
case "$(uname)" in
sed -e 's^"/usr/"^"'"${jdkhome}/"'"^' \
<customizations.lisp.in >customizations.lisp
sed -e 's^"/home/peter/sun/jdk1.5.0_16/"^"'"${jdkhome}/"'"^' \
-e 's/fastjar/jar/' \
<customizations.lisp.in >customizations.lisp
chmod 755 ./build-from-lisp.bash
printi 'Building abcl from lisp with ccl'
./build-from-lisp.bash ccl > "${logbase}".build-from-lisp.log 2>&1 \
&& ( printi 'Installing abcl' ; install -m 755 abcl "${PREFIX}"/bin/ > "${logbase}".make-install.log 2>&1 ) \
|| printe 'Compiling abcl failed; check the logs.'
since errors aren’t detected, but just suspend the execution indefinitely.
Therefore, I would suggest to wrap those progn forms into a handler-case; for example, in the case of ccl:
(handler-case (progn $3 (ccl:quit)) (error (err) (princ err *error-output*) (terpri *error-output*) (finish-output *error-output*) (ccl:quit 1)))
__Pascal J. Bourguignon__