On Feb 24, 2010, at 12:47 AM, Alessio Stalla wrote:
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 5:09 PM, Alessio Stalla <alessiostalla@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 11:25 AM, Mark Evenson <evenson@panix.com> wrote:
1) Alessio's recent work on lambda inlining. In my opinion we have to address the bug Alan Ruttenberg has found or backout these changes before release.
I think I've fixed it.
Congratulations! Hopefully you gained some understanding of the compiler out of this, that can be successfully applied in the future. I have yet to be brave enough to undertook non-trivial modifications of that code to go through a similar trial by fire. […]
It seems now that read-obo works like it should, and the ANSI tests still pass, so I committed the change. Still, since it was quite a challenge for me to fix it, and it left me almost in a catatonic state :D, I may have missed something: please check that your code still works after the commit.
Everything seems to work, but I notice that I seem to have 35 failing ANSI compiled tests, whereas I though we only should have 34. N.B. We should really mark the expected failures because chasing the set differences of these failure lists always gives me headaches for what should be a simple task. (REINITIALIZE-INSTANCE.ERROR.1 DEFGENERIC.ERROR.20 DEFGENERIC.ERROR.21 DEFGENERIC.30 CALL-NEXT-METHOD.ERROR.1 CALL-NEXT-METHOD.ERROR.2 DEFMETHOD.ERROR.14 DEFMETHOD.ERROR.15 INVOKE-DEBUGGER.1 MAKE-CONDITION.3 MAKE-CONDITION.4 DELETE-PACKAGE.5 DELETE-PACKAGE.6 MAP.48 TYPE-OF.1 TYPE-OF.4 CHAR-UPCASE.2 CHAR-DOWNCASE.2 ENSURE-DIRECTORIES-EXIST.8 FRESH-LINE.5 PRINT.RANDOM-STATE.1 PPRINT-FILL.14 PPRINT-FILL.15 PPRINT-LINEAR.14 PPRINT-TABULAR.13 PPRINT-LOGICAL-BLOCK.17 PPRINT-POP.7 PPRINT-POP.8 FORMAT.LOGICAL-BLOCK.CIRCLE.1 FORMAT.LOGICAL-BLOCK.CIRCLE.2 FORMAT.LOGICAL-BLOCK.CIRCLE.3 FORMAT.JUSTIFY.30 FORMAT.JUSTIFY.32 WITH-STANDARD-IO-SYNTAX.23 TRACE.8) This is with r12506 which includes a few more changes then just . It doesn't look like Alessio's commit in r12505 to fix the lambda inlining is the culprit as r12503 also has 35 failures. Regression testing now with "hg bisect"… but if 35 is the "correct" number please someone speak up. -- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare to it now."