Mark Evenson <> writes:
On 11/20/10 5:44 AM, Pascal J. Bourguignon wrote:
There is no way to compile abcl-src-0.22.0, whatever the lisp implementation used:
The following patch should fix the problem with the Lisp-based build. It will be part of abcl-0.23.0.
As noted in the README, the Lisp-based build is under tested, and semi-deprecated in favor of the Java ant-based build. Most modern systems with Java installed will have a copy of 'ant', which is the Java analog of 'make'. Simply invoking
cmd$ ant
from the commandline should build the release.
But at least we know that the Lisp-based build has one customer…
There are a lot of lispers who are not Java programmers, and for whom abcl is a life saver, since it allows them to generate JVM executables without having to know anything about it ;-)
Index: build-abcl.lisp
It works, thanks. -- __Pascal Bourguignon__ A bad day in () is better than a good day in {}.