Hello. I have been trying to get abcl to run under slime, and I have hit the limits of my understanding of all the relevant components. This is on Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04), with abcl 0.17.0 and slime 1:20080223-2. The symptom is that slime starts to load, then quits with the error "Package "CLC" not found." I tracked this down to swank-loader: binary-pathname calls clc:calculate-fasl-root. I've tried everything I could think of, like loading clc from my .abclrc, but I could not trick it into loading. This must be a solved problem, but I have not been able to find anything on the web. On a tangentially related note, in doing all this I discovered that asdf integrates with sbcl specially, in a way that makes it a little bit easier to load packages. Is there a way to get abcl to look in more than one directory for (load "foo.lisp")? Thanks. -- Durward McDonell durward.mcdonell@jhuapl.edu