Mark Evenson wrote:
On 25 Nov 2014, at 23:47, Robert Goldman <> wrote:
If the problem is the use of reader macros foiling introspection by ASDF-JAR, then probably Fare's addition of :FEATURE to the ASDF system definition language is just what you need.
My problem is more basic: how do I create a monolithic FASL? Where does it get created? There seems to be no documentation on this in the ASDF manual, and I haven’t had time to go through the mailing list and source to figure things out.
Section 13.2.12 of the ASDF manual mentions the obsolescence of associated symbols, but I don’t know how to use the symbols in the first place.
From looking at the ASDF source, my first guess at what I would execute to bundle a system, ASDF:BUNDLE-SYSTEM, seems marked as deprecated.
In lieu of better documentation, can somebody point me to an ASDF system that putatively uses this machinery that I may study and learn from?
I'm a little confused: doesn't ABCL use ASDF-JAR *instead* of Fare's monolithic-<foo> operations? So are you looking to harmonize the two in some way? I don't claim to understand these. Faré put them in before I took over, I believe mostly for the benefit of ECL. My attempts to use them with ABCL (as you know) have always failed for me: on the Mac the jar pathnames get garbled in ways I don't understand. We had some correspondence about this, but I don't think either of us were able to figure it out. For a conventional CL implementation I don't see the value of the monolithic fasls, although I suppose there would be some speed-up in loading. But I would guess that if that's what you care about, you would be better off using an image to load. As far as symbol obsolescence, what's going on is that we decided the original names weren't very clear, so the operations got renamed. Unfortunately, there had already been a release, so instead of just renaming them, we kept both names, with the old names left around and deprecated. I'll probably blow them away whenever ASDF 3.2 rolls around. I don't think there is a system that uses these operations, per se. I think it's intended that it be possible to apply them to any system. Sorry I wasn't of more assistance. Best, r