Hello, Vibhu Mohindra <vibhu.mohindra@gmail.com> wrote:
You might be missing a: (require "abcl-contrib") line. The following is what works for me. I've got abcl-contrib.jar in the same directory as abcl.jar :
Yes, that was exactly it, in the meantime I algo got help from the IRC channel and that line did the trick, thank you. Btw, the reason it works in SLime is because it is loaded as part of Slime Startup completed in 1.73 seconds. Using probed value of abcl-contrib: '/opt/abcl-bin-1.4.0/abcl-contrib.jar'. Added jar:file:/opt/abcl-bin-1.4.0/abcl-contrib.jar!/quicklisp/ to ASDF. Added jar:file:/opt/abcl-bin-1.4.0/abcl-contrib.jar!/mvn/ to ASDF. Added jar:file:/opt/abcl-bin-1.4.0/abcl-contrib.jar!/jss/ to ASDF. (...) Best regards, -- fsmunoz@sdf.org SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.org