This weekend, I committed an optimization which shows 4 - 12% performance gain on the CL-BENCH common lisp benchmarking toolset tests for CLOS. However, the test collects performance results from a high number of invocations. Low numbers of invocations should show even better improvements. Profiling one of the performance tests for CL-BENCH which shows huge difference with CLISP, it turned out that our CHECK-INITARGS function in the MOP package is taking 40% of the object instantiation time consumed by MAKE-INSTANCE. After the first invocation, it's possible to replace this function by a lookup in a cache. The same applies to args checking for some of the other functions defined to object instantiation and class modification. However, the time required to build this into our CLOS in a structured manner, exceeds "just" a few evenings, meaning that I probably will be delaying this task until I have a more time to undertake this effort. Ofcourse, I remain on the look out for possibilities to increase the performance of our clos implementation. An important input are the issues you experience with our performance, especially if you have example code to demonstrate it. Bye, Erik.