Hi Joe,

On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 7:17 PM, Joe Corneli <holtzermann17@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm working with a Java developer and she tells me that this works:


(Assuming the leading dash in "/http" is a typo, this should indeed work...)
but this doesn't:

interpreter.eval("(load \"/Decipher/codes/decipher-atms-single-file.lisp\")");

But: this should work as well. Can you tell a bit more about the environment? Is this a Windows environment, ie an environment with multiple filesystem root directories? If not and this is on a *nix-like filesystem, I would not understand why this shouldn't work.

What means "doesn't work"? Does it mean something throws a Java exception? Does it mean the file content doesn't actually get loaded, but you see no errors? Is there a Common Lisp condition being thrown?
Any idea about why this would be, and how we can load local code from
a WAR web service?

What I did in the past is pick a class which I know to be included in the JAR/WAR, something like "org.armedbear.lisp.Lisp", take its class and get the URL of the required resource from it like this (taken from src/org/armedbear/lisp/Site.java):

        URL url = Lisp.class.getResource("boot.lisp");

