Hi everybody I'm having trouble building the latest version of ABCL from Netbeans. Can you help me out? I work with Netbeans 6.8 (just upgraded for ANT) and run the build from the menu. Running the generated jar with 'java -jar abcl.jar geeft' gives the following message: Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from abcl.jar I noticed that the manifest.mf just contains the following: Manifest-Version: 1.0 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.1 Created-By: 1.6.0_0-b11 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) Class-Path: Is the Netbeans build supposed to work? Does anybody have any idea why the Main is not in the generated manifest? A second question is what the best way is to include the jna library. I'm trying to compile CFFI with ABCL but that required jna as the following quote from CFFI's code shows: ;;; This implementation requires the Java Native Access (JNA) library. ;;; <http://jna.dev.java.net/> I downloaded the required jna.jar and figured that I could include it somehow in abcl.jar after building that. Unfortunately that build failed but I would like to be able to use it from Netbeans anyway. Does anybody know how to do that? My knowledge of the Java ecosystem is limited so figuring this out for ABCL specifically is not easy. Finally I would appreciate feedback on the following patch for TRIVIAL-FEATURES I needed to write to get CFFI to compile. It turned out that the endianess feature wasn't set. diff -rN old-trivial-features/src/tf-abcl.lisp new-trivial-features/src/tf-abcl.lisp 31c31,38 < ;;; TODO ---
(pushnew (let ((order (jcall "toString" (jstatic "nativeOrder" "java.nio.ByteOrder")))) (cond ((string-equal order "LITTLE_ENDIAN") :little-endian) ((string-equal order "BIG_ENDIAN") :big-endian) (t (error "Byte order ~A unknown" order)))) *features*)
Like I said, I'm no Java expert and feedback would be helpful. Any comment, help or pointers would be appreciated. Paul