I just checked it again and it works correctly as you expected. I think I checked out the latest source just a little early. When I updated just now I got another file (I think condition.java) and it works now.
On 24 January 2011 01:22, Blake McBride <blake@mcbride.name> wrote:With the getMessage() fix I made (and which Erik committed) I seem
> Dear Ville,
> Enclosed are the samples you requested. The file error.lisp can
> produce either error depending on witch code you uncomment.
> Obviously, the errors are intended. The error message is what is in
> question. To use, load clos-utils.lisp first and then error.lisp.
> I hope this is helpful.
to get correct messages for those functions. Am I missing something?
Can you check whether the current trunk works for you?