On 1/26/10 11:39 AM, Alessio Stalla wrote: […]
The only thing that I have not clear is the integration with ASDF: is it possible to have a .asd inside a jar and using it to load a Lisp library from the same jar? If yes, great :) if no, what is missing?
I'll check that out now, as this is one think that I want to work for ease of use, so I'll let you know in a bit.
Incidentally, we may be able to autodiscover .asd files by scanning the classpath, and suitably update asdf:*central-registry*.
We first need to agree on a convention to wedge the concept of Pathname into CLASSPATH. I now support your earlier proposal to keep the two separate, as it makes more sense. And I'd like to get the "jar:" part of my changes into the trunk, and tested for a bit before introducing another the next step. Right now, wildcards (and DIRECTORY) don't work inside JARs which would be the first step to autodiscovery. -- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare to it now."