On 3/15/10 6:20 AM, Alan Ruttenberg wrote: […]
Things load up now, however there is something that confuses me:
I see load messages like the following (note that there are two "!/" in the pathname.
; Loaded #P"jar:jar:file:/Users/alanr/Desktop/lsw.jar!/lsw/owl/tests/armedbear-0.20.0-dev-darwin-unknown/test-suite.abcl!/" (0.179 seconds)
Describe shows that the device is a list of the jar path and directory, and that there is no directory.
CL-USER(6): (describe #P"jar:jar:file:/Users/alanr/Desktop/lsw.jar!/lsw/owl/tests/armedbear-0.20.0-dev-darwin-unknown/test-suite.abcl!/") #P"jar:jar:file:/Users/alanr/Desktop/lsw.jar!/lsw/owl/tests/armedbear-0.20.0-dev-darwin-unknown/test-suite.abcl!/" is an object of type PATHNAME: HOST NIL DEVICE (#P"/Users/alanr/Desktop/lsw.jar" #P"lsw/owl/tests/armedbear-0.20.0-dev-darwin-unknown/test-suite.abcl") DIRECTORY NIL NAME NIL TYPE NIL VERSION NIL
This is how the implementation represents a jar within a jar, which is necessary for loading FASLs to work. Remember that a packed ABCL FASL is a zip (i.e. jar) file that contains an init FASL (the "*._" file), plus the compiled classes (the "*-nnn.cls" where nnn is an increasing integer). When the system loads the packed FASL, it uses MERGE-PATHNAME to combine the name of the sub-FASL (i.e. "foo-1.cls") with the *LOAD-TRUENAME* of the FASL (i.e "jar:jar:file:/a/b/bar.jar!/foo.abcl!/"). In writing this reply, I realize this probably breaks the use of *LOAD-TRUENAME*/*LOAD-PATHNAME* to code that finds itself in a packed FASL in a jar. Such code would probably be much happier if its *LOAD-PATHNAME* were jar:file:/a/b/bar.jar!/foo.abcl while its *LOAD-TRUENAME* remained jar:jar:file/a/b/bar.jar!/foo.abcl!/ Or maybe both should not have the double jar syntax, so that MERGE-PATHNAME would do the right thing? I introduced another special (SYS::*LOAD-TRUENAME-FASL*) where we can keep the "real" value. Holler back if y'all agree with this modification, and I'll try to find time to implement it soon. -- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare to it now."