On Jul 23, 2020, at 08:37, Steven Nunez <steve_nunez@yahoo.com> wrote:
Thank you Olof; that was just what I needed to get things working. Well, that and another half day struggling with what turns out to be a 5 year old bug (#388). I really wish someone had mentioned in the JSS documentation, "Oh, and this doesn't yet work in top-level forms". All told, it was a lot more difficult to get started with ABCL than I expected it to be, but I'm glad it's done and grateful to those that helped. For reference, here's the code that finally works:
(defun change-class-loader () (#"setContextClassLoader" #1"Thread.currentThread()" (java:get-current-classloader))) (change-class-loader)
At least it gets me as far as line two of the spark 'hello world'; hopefully there aren't any other surprises lurking. If anyone can recommend any best practices or improvements, especially around the class loader bits, I'd be very happy to hear them.
Hopefully there's a better way of course, since this is hardly convenient.
Slightly more convenient perhaps is to change the context ClassLoader in the ASDF :PERFORM clause <https://github.com/easye/ember/blob/master/ember.asd#L7> before the Spark Maven artifacts are loaded: (defsystem ember :description "Wrapper for Spark 3.0" :defsystem-depends-on (jss abcl-asdf) :depends-on (#:jss #:javaparser) :perform (load-op (o c) (#"setContextClassLoader" (#"currentThread" 'Thread) (java:get-current-classloader)) (call-next-method o c)) :components ((:mvn "org.apache.spark/spark-core_2.12" :version "3.0.0") (:file "package") (:file "ember"))) Such a setting of the context ClassLoader seems to be quite useful for integrating quite a few Java libraries with ABCL, I wonder if it shouldn't be the default for ABCL-ASDF loading Maven artifacts to set the context ClassLoader is this manner. Would such a choice adversely affect anyones current usage? I almost exclusively use ABCL via SLIME, so maybe production use of ABCL (i.e. as a standalone packaged application) would run into problems here. Thoughts? For those using, openjdk17 one needs to set the [following run-time switch in the JVM][1]: —add-opens java.base/sun.nio.ch=ALL-UNNAMED As a bonus, that annoying [seven (!) year old bug][338], has been recently been fixed by Alejandro Zamora Fonseca for the [upcoming abcl-1.9.1 release][1.9.1]. [1]: <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72230174/java-17-solution-for-spark-java-lang-noclassdeffounderror-could-not-initializ> [338]: <https://abcl.org/trac/ticket/338> [1.9.1]: <https://github.com/armedbear/abcl/pull/534> -- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before but there is nothing to compare to it now."