On 12/8/12 12:38 AM, Anton Vodonosov wrote:
07.12.2012, 20:30, "Mark Evenson" evenson@panix.com:
On 12/7/12 2:18 PM, Anton Vodonosov wrote:
07.12.2012, 13:31, "Mark Evenson" evenson@panix.com:
Sometime later today, I intend to make [the current snapshots abcl-1.1.0-rc-2][rc-2] the functional base for [ABCL-1.1.0][].
Please speak up loud if we shouldn't do this.
We will have a maintenance release within 30 days.
For the Mgmt., Mark evenson@panix.com
P.S. Multiple cryptographic signatures when tag is created would be a nice thing.
IMHO #274 deserves to be considered. It's a hungup during compilation.
It is not the only Quicklisp distributed properties.
We're at a chicken and egg type impasse with Quicklisp distributed implementors: they wish to test against a known, securely versioned released; we need them to add #+abcl conditionals.
As soon as [#274][] gets addressed--maybe a hook on a watcher that catches hung ASDF operations?--on abcl-1.2.0-dev aka. [trunk][], we'
Mark evenson@panix.com for urn:abcl.org .
Is this unfinished message?
It certainly got garbled somehow!
What I meant to point out is that one of the goals of abcl-1.1.0 was to get it released so that Quicklisp 2012-12 can hopefully release versions of CLOSER-MOP, CFFI, and Hunchentoot with the necessary patches.
As such, that has a higher priority than fixing the compiler for com.informatimago.common-lisp.cesarum. Unless there is a patch.
ABCL 1.1.0 is "released" in that binary and source artifacts are available.
TODO: add multiple cryptographic signatures in [releases/1.1.0][], write up the release notes, update the canonical site with download links.
When signing the release, committers can verify the chain with [my md5sums][1].
[releases/1.1.0]: http://svn.common-lisp.net/armedbear/public_html/releases/1.1.0/ [1]: http://abcl-dynamic-install.googlecode.com/files/abcl.org-20121207a.urn.md5
Now if I can just figure out how to help guess my PGP passphrase…