On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 9:31 AM, Mark Evenson <evenson@panix.com> wrote:
On 4/2/10 5:25 AM, Alan Ruttenberg wrote: […]
WARNING: No architecture feature found in (POWERPC PPC X86 X86-64 AMD64 I686 I586 I486 PC386 IAPX386 SPARC64 SPARC HPPA64 HPPA PENTIUM3 PENTIUM4).
I don't think this is a problem, as it is the same message that one normally gets when starting up SLIME with ABCL.
Yes - the point was that when running inside protege I got an unbound variable error before the list was printed.
If I (require 'asdf) instead instead get
"Starting up protege lisp interpreter" ; Loading stream ... ; Loading stream ... ; Loaded stream (0.016 seconds) Debugger invoked on condition of type TYPE-ERROR: org.armedbear.lisp.Lisp$unboundValue@ad8437 [1] FORMAT(1):
I don't get to that error instead when I invoke Interpreter.createDefaultInstance() with {"--init", "(require \'asdf)"} as parameter, my Protege instance just quits. I built my Protege from the SVN sources on trunk, so maybe I have some other instability. Advice on how to create a better build environment or an explanation of how you are running Protege here would be welcome.
Don't you need "--eval" before the require?
Hmm. Something with special binding?
I suspect this is more of an undiagnosed problem in loading in an OSGi context, as I know that *LISP-HOME* is nil, so I think something is bombing out in reaction to that in trying to autoload more code. I patched what code I could find to get abcl.jar to load, but we never tried to do anything useful with the code, so I am expecting that we are running into untested problems with running from an OSGi bundle
I'm trying to set up a lisp shell inside protege, by copy pasting from the bean shell example they have:
Did you get JConsole to work outside of OSGi?
Haven't. I think that's what Doug is trying. He knows about the input problem and has a theory, but I haven't heard back yet from him. Will send his example, which uses the larkc/abcl.
That would be my next step in investigating this, as the console.getInputStream() call you are making to set the Java standard input doesn't seem to be working.
Hmm. I think they advertise getReader. Doug pointed out that method. I can poke at that. I don't know for Readers versus InputStreams, but it looks like abcl likes the latter.
Do you have a copy of the source for bsh-2.0b4? It seems to be unavailable from what I can find out.