Hi everyone, I've been quite stoked to watch the surge of activity on armedbear in the last few months. Keep up the good work guys! My reason for this email is: If I type the following at the REPL, or load from a file (that's how I discovered this), I get an error in abcl-0.16.0. Regardless of mode (REPL. load file, with or without eval-when), I always get an error. It's that load-time-value causing trouble, I believe... (defun test () (symbol-macrolet ((ii (load-time-value 45))) ii)) (test) #+nil ;; uncomment for alternative test (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute) (test)) The symbol-macro seems to have disappeared for some reason... Debugger invoked on condition of type UNBOUND-VARIABLE: The variable II is unbound. Restarts: 0: TOP-LEVEL Return to top level. [1] CL-USER(78): Apologies if this is a well known bug. Thank you!