On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 1:20 AM, Alan Ruttenberg <alanruttenberg@gmail.com> wrote:
ps. I think I'm losing on the jar combination thing. It looks like (still need to confirm this) that there are classes called EDU.xxxx as well as ones called "edu.yyyy". These get smushed together into one "edu" directory because of OS X default case-insensitive file system, and when jarred back together one of them loses. Sigh. Might have to take another approach :(. Hmm, wonder if I can create a case sensitive disk image on the fly. Or maybe jarjar (http://code.google.com/p/jarjar/) is the thing to use...
FWIW, the approach of using the case-sensitive disk image to unjar to does indeed work. I might still look into jarjar, as it would be nice to have something that didn't depend on running in os x to work. There has been discussion in the past about implementing save-image, which is hard. However, having a function that creates a single jar, arranging to include all your compiled files and reload them on start would be a nice step towards that goal. I'll keep y'all informed of my progress. -Alan