On Apr 17, 2012, at 00:29 , Faré wrote:
n Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 18:14, Mark Evenson <evenson@panix.com> wrote:
I just pushed an implementation of SYS:AVAILABLE-ENCODINGS to [abcl SVN trunk aka abcl-1.1.0-dev][r13917]. I figure you can just use the good 'ol CL primitives like FIND, SEARCH, EVERY, et. al. on the results of this call, c'nest pas? You mean "N'est-ce pas?".
Oui? […]
Do you recommend I just assume the function is there in asdf-encodings, and tell people who complain to just update their abcl, or should I test for the symbol being present? I suppose the latter.
Is there a binary pre-release? When is the next release?
We're experiencing a bit of a shortage of cycles to get the engineering done to make an abcl-1.1.0 release, so although it is currently scheduled for the beginning of May, we've repeatedly failed to get enough regressions fixed to actually push the bits out the door that meeting early May is a somewhat doubtful. On the plus side, Rudi keeps getting us closer to MOP, so it isn't like we aren't making some forward progress. In short, please test for the presence of the symbol for the foreseeable future.