On 6/18/10 1:00 PM, Alessio Stalla wrote:
On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 12:37 PM, Mark Evenson<evenson@panix.com> wrote:
On 6/17/10 7:38 PM, Alessio Stalla wrote:
Hmmm, not sure I totally like if your proposal is that a PATHNAME is always in the #P"abcl:(make-pathname …)". If you are just proposing this is used when a namestring can't be produced, then I support this (weakly).
No, this is precisely the problem we have today. On Windows, for #P"/foo/bar" a namestring *can* be produced, but it is "\foo\bar", which then can't be read back in on non-windows.
But since we control the production of the namestring, I am proposing we only ever consider a string with '/' as the directory path separator. '\' is banished. We provide a convenience function to convert PATHNAME to a Windows "native" representation. […]
Your proposal still doesn't say what ABCL on non-Windows should do with a deserialized PATHNAME that represents a UNC path or has a drive letter in DEVICE.
What could it possibly do but fail if you try to OPEN the pathname?
It's a bit more subtle than that: Pathname.java contains runtime conditionals for win/non-win platform meaning that constructing/parsing PATHNAMEs work differently on each platform. I am a little worried about MERGE-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS without a default DEVICE inserting the current drive letter for DEVICE under Windows. Maybe this isn't a big issue.
The problem is not Windows pathnames on non-Windows. Those cannot work and it's the user's responsibility to use them only if she knows that the software will only run on Windows. The problem are Unix pathnames that, when printed under Windows, have their slashes converted to backslashes.
The current code (as I understand it) on non-Windows would treat a UNC pathname encoded as a string , e.g. "\\a\b\c\d", as an error as the '\c' doesn't represent a valid Java char escape sequence, although a case like "\\n\n\n\baz" would name the file with char sequence ('\' LF LF BS 'a' 'z').
That's the same under Windows. String escaping has nothing to do with pathnames.
No it isn't the same, as under Windows, Pathname.init(String) will convert this to a PATHNAME that uses HOST to store the UNC server and share name. Under non-Windows, the eventual call to File(String) will have to contend with what looks to Java like backslash escapes as "\\a\b\c\d" is stored in the NAME field.
Counter-proposal #1: Note that java.io.File *does* correctly accept "/" as a directory separator under Windows. So, we could potentially just declare "/" as our directory separator in the #P representation on all platforms. I would then make UNC pathnames not have a printable namestring, so inadvertent doubling of path separators doesn't cause confusion. For UNC and drive letters on non-Windows, I would signal a condition when a de-reference was attempted with a restart that tried to DWIM (ignore the UNC share, drop the drive letter reference, or allow a user supplied correction).
I wouldn't do this DWIM thing. A UNC or drive-letter pathname on non-windows is a user error, imho. As for always using / as separator, it would solve the problem with asdf, but it wouldn't solve the other problem that not all pathnames are currently printable by abcl as #P"..." and so it sometimes uses #P(...) to list their components, which is not ANSI-compatible.
It's a user error certainly, but if it is a correctable situation providing a restart is a pretty decent way to go. Such a user error may easily be occurring in an ASDF package that would otherwise work fine under ABCL, which I would like to allow. That not all pathnames are printable should be corrected in an ANSI-compatible manner as you describe. This is a orthogonal to the backslash/forward slash problems, right? This apparently confused me until your reply here.
Counter-proposal #2: Use URI (IRI?) for the namestring representation. This fits better to the nature of ABCL pathnames i.e. they aren't really just about filesystems at this point. '/' would again be the standard directory path separator. UNCs would get their own scheme (or we would enforce RFC 3986 so that 'file://server/share/dir/file' means UNC whereas 'file:///not/a/server/but/absolute' means an absolute pathname). Drive letters would be part of the URI authority ('file://c:/windows/path'). The same sort of DWIM condition/restarts for Windows-specific semantic on non-Windows would be available. As a user convenience, we might make the 'file://' prefix be optionally inferred.
The problem with URIs is that they cannot represent all of CL's pathname components (version?). We'd need to invent an encoding. My proposal is simpler because an encoding is basically already there. However, I'm not against using URIs with an appropriate encoding.
I amend my second proposal to "all Pathnames that have a straightforward URI representation use it; others use the ANSI compatible mechanism proposed by Alessio". But don't consider #2 for right now: think about #1: "no use of '\' as a directory separator in ABCL namestrings". -- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare to it now."