Hi! On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 5:39 AM, szergling <senatorzergling@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi everyone,
I've been quite stoked to watch the surge of activity on armedbear in the last few months. Keep up the good work guys!
Thanks! We will!
My reason for this email is:
If I type the following at the REPL, or load from a file (that's how I discovered this), I get an error in abcl-0.16.0. Regardless of mode (REPL. load file, with or without eval-when), I always get an error. It's that load-time-value causing trouble, I believe...
That's correct. Our preprocessor which does macroexpansion had a bug relating to load-time-value and some other forms which the interpreter considers special-operators.
(defun test () (symbol-macrolet ((ii (load-time-value 45))) ii))
I've identified the bug and committed a fix. If you switch to using trunk, or wait a few hours/days until 0.17 comes out, it'll have the fix applied. Thanks for reporting! Bye, Erik.