Thanks for the pointers, David and Alessio. I was able to implement my HTTP client in abcl with the knowledge that you provided. As I move on to the next phase of my project, I have run into another issue that I can't figure out how to solve without coding in java (which I would prefer not to do, if I can help it). The issue is this: I am trying to build on Apache CXF library, using just its simple interface for defining a soap service. The java pattern is like this: public interface HelloWorld { String sayHi(String text); } public class HelloWorldImpl implements HelloWorld { public String sayHi(String text) { return "Hello " + text; } } import org.apache.cxf.frontend.ServerFactoryBean; HelloWorldImpl helloWorldImpl = new HelloWorldImpl(); ServerFactoryBean svrFactory = new ServerFactoryBean(); svrFactory.setServiceClass(HelloWorld.class); svrFactory.setAddress("http://localhost:9000/Hello"); svrFactory.setServiceBean(helloWorldImpl); svrFactory.create(); I would like to be able to all of this directly in abcl, meaning code the interface, implementation and serverFactory without using java. I don't see a way to do this with abcl. Several things are unclear to me: 1. I can't find a way to specify an interface in abcl; if such a thing is not possible, all is maybe not lost. Could I do the interface spec in java and the implementation in abcl? 2. CLOS classes don't seem to correspond to java classes, so assuming issue #1 is solved, how would I specify an implementation of the interface in abcl? 3. As for the serverFactory: if #1 and #2 are solved, the only piece of this that isn't clear to me is how to translate svrFactory.setServiceClass(HelloWorld.class); to abcl. Thanks again for the assistance; if my questions are too junior for this list, please don't hesitate to point me somewhere else. Cheers. Kevin On 10/12/2010 02:19 PM, Alessio Stalla wrote:
On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 10:18 PM, David Kirkman<dkirkman@ucsd.edu> wrote:
I don't have httpcomponents, so this is not tested ...
But your problem is probably that (jmethod client-class "execute") is looking for a zero argument execute method, and the class does not have one. Based on the api docs (and your attempted method call), I think you want
(jmethod client-class "execute" "org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest")
Or if you don't mind paying a certain runtime penalty on each invocation, you can use the shorter (jcall "execute" client-obj get-obj) and let ABCL figure out the exact method to call. Also you can use url directly if it's a Lisp string because ABCL will convert it to a Java string automatically when you pass it to a Java method.
hth, Alessio