"rs" == Rudolf Schlatte <rudi@constantly.at> writes:
rs> It's not that I don't trust you -- DOCUMENTATION was moved into rs> its own file recently, and we have the ansi-test PSETF.37 failure rs> because autoloading fails for (setf foo) functions. Does it work rs> if you call DOCUMENTATION before calling SETF DOCUMENTATION? Hi Rudi, Yes, it does seem to be an autoloading problem. ,---- | Armed Bear Common Lisp 1.2.0-dev-svn-14349 | Java 1.6.0_18 Sun Microsystems Inc. | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM | Low-level initialization completed in 0.241 seconds. | Startup completed in 1.128 seconds. | Type ":help" for a list of available commands. | CL-USER(1): (defun foo (x) x) | FOO | CL-USER(2): (setf (documentation 'foo 'function) "Horx") | #<THREAD "interpreter" {482982BF}>: Debugger invoked on condition of type UNDEFINED-FUNCTION | The function (SETF DOCUMENTATION) is undefined. `---- If I call DOCUMENTATION first, the DEFSETF works correctly. -- Eric Marsden