Hello list,

I'm working on getting ABCL + the Jetty web server + SLIME working together as a development environment for Google App Engine web apps[1]. This seems to be what the Clojure people have done: run your own Jetty server & SWANK server, then load the GAE JARs to provide the same emulated services as the GAE SDK's development server.

I've been working through the "Embedding Jetty" tutorials[2] and making reasonable progress (with help from Mark Evenson and others on #abcl - thanks Mark!). I've been doing it all in Lisp (so far), making my own servlet classes using JNEW-RUNTIME-CLASS. Ideally I'd like to make an ABCL library equivalent to (a subset of) Compojure (and appengine-magic).

Some of the tutorials have code like:

  context.addServlet(HelloServlet.class, "/");

Is it possible to get Class objects for Java classes I've made with JNEW-RUNTIME-CLASS (or indeed for any other Java class)?

I've been using "raw" JCLASS & JMETHOD etc. calls to experience just how painful that really is, but I'm apprehensive about using JSS and paying the runtime dynamic dispatch penalty, given that on GAE time is money. Something more like a SLIME plug-in that looked up & cached classes, methods & fields at editing time (perhaps also parsing Java expressions) and generated "statically typed" code would be nice (possibly using code from e.g. JDEE and/or CEDET) - has anyone else thought about this?


John :^P (hoping HTML email to the list isn't a social faux pas)

[1] I have a page of initial notes and links at https://johnp.net/jpkb/wiki/AbclOnGae
[2] https://wiki.eclipse.org/Jetty/Tutorial/Embedding_Jettyhttp://www.eclipse.org/jetty/documentation/current/embedding-jetty.html