On 1/21/13 8:08 PM, Faré wrote:
Anyway, please test the latest ASDF with ABCL, I think it's ripe for release, but I'd like your feedback considering the massive amount of hacking that happened.
Pulling the latest version from git changeset: 1367:5e87fa874e78 bookmark: master tag: default/master tag: tip user: Francois-Rene Rideau <tunes@google.com> date: Tue Jan 22 08:52:36 2013 -0500 summary: Import the run-program tests from xcvb-driver. concatenating the fasls via asdf$ make build/asdf.lisp fails to compile ABCL with ; Compiling /home/evenson/work/abcl/src/org/armedbear/lisp/asdf.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE :CL-USER) ; (UNLESS (MEMBER :ASDF2.27 ...) ...) ;COMMON-LISP:FILE-LENGTH triggers autoloading of org.armedbear.lisp.file_length ... ; Autoloaded org.armedbear.lisp.file_length (0.0010 seconds) ; (RESOLVE (QUOTE DOCUMENTATION)) ; (DEFPACKAGE :ASDF/PACKAGE ...) ; (IN-PACKAGE :ASDF/PACKAGE) ; (DEFUN FIND-PACKAGE* ...) ; (DEFUN FIND-SYMBOL* ...) ; (DEFUN SYMBOL-CALL ...) ; (DEFUN INTERN* ...) ; (DEFUN MAKE-SYMBOL* ...) ;EXTENSIONS:ASSQ triggers autoloading of org.armedbear.lisp.assq ... ; Autoloaded org.armedbear.lisp.assq (0.0010 seconds) ; (DEFUN UNINTERN* ...) ; (DEFUN SYMBOL-SHADOWING-P ...) ; (DEFUN HOME-PACKAGE-P ...) ; (DEFUN SYMBOL-PACKAGE-NAME ...) ; (DEFUN STANDARD-COMMON-LISP-SYMBOL-P ...) ; (DEFUN REIFY-PACKAGE ...) ; (DEFUN UNREIFY-PACKAGE ...) ; (DEFUN REIFY-SYMBOL ...) ; (DEFUN UNREIFY-SYMBOL ...) ; (DEFVAR *ALL-PACKAGE-HAPPINESS* ...) ; (DEFVAR *ALL-PACKAGE-FISHINESS* ...) ; (DEFVAR *PACKAGE-FISHINESS* ...) ; (DEFUN FLUSH-FISHY ...) ; (DEFUN RECORD-FISHY ...) ; (DEFMACRO WHEN-PACKAGE-FISHINESS ...) ; (DEFMACRO NOTE-PACKAGE-FISHINESS ...) ; (DEFUN SET-DUMMY-SYMBOL ...) ; (DEFUN MAKE-DUMMY-SYMBOL ...) ; (DEFUN DUMMY-SYMBOL ...) ; (DEFUN GET-DUMMY-SYMBOL ...) ; (DEFUN NUKE-SYMBOL-IN-PACKAGE ...) ; (DEFUN NUKE-SYMBOL ...) ; (DEFUN REHOME-SYMBOL ...) ; (DEFUN ENSURE-PACKAGE-UNUSED ...) ; (DEFUN DELETE-PACKAGE* ...) ; (DEFUN PACKAGE-NAMES ...) ; (DEFUN PACKAGES-FROM-NAMES ...) ; (DEFUN FRESH-PACKAGE-NAME ...) ; (DEFUN RENAME-PACKAGE-AWAY ...) ; (DEFUN PACKAGE-DEFINITION-FORM ...) ; (DEFUN ENSURE-PACKAGE ...) ; (DEFUN PARSE-DEFINE-PACKAGE-FORM ...) ; (DEFMACRO DEFINE-PACKAGE ...) ; (DEFINE-PACKAGE :ASDF/COMPATIBILITY ...) 13.75 seconds real time 1318750 cons cells UNDEFINED-FUNCTION: ;COMMON-LISP:CELL-ERROR-NAME triggers autoloading of org.armedbear.lisp.cell_error_name ... ; Autoloaded org.armedbear.lisp.cell_error_name (0.0 seconds) The function (SETF DOCUMENTATION) is undefined. Partly this stems from [our implementation's problems with autoloading SETF expansions][#296]. [#296]: http://trac.common-lisp.net/armedbear/ticket/296 -- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare to it now."