A follow-up on my progress this week:
As described by Alessio, it looks like our loading process profiles are dominated by reader functions. So, I've taken a look at what it actually is that we serialize. I found that many things we serialize today - which need to be restored by the reader - can be serialized without requiring the reader to restore it: lists of symbols and lists.
Except for DECLARE-* functions related to function references, I have changed the externalization code to go through a single function: EMIT-LOAD-EXTERNALIZED-OBJECT. This function externalizes the object (if that didn't already happen) and emits code to load a reference to the restored object. The actual serialization doesn't differ much from the original. The difference is in the boiler plate that was in each of the DECLARE-* functions, which is no longer part of the serialization functions. I use a dispatch table to find the serialization function belonging to the object to be externalized.
That's where I decided to take a look at today's serialization mechanism. Roughly speaking, those are the functions in compiler-pass2.lisp with a function name starting with DECLARE-*; the namespace seems to contain functions for externalizing objects as well as for caching constant values.
The caching / pre-evaluation is still in the DECLARE-* namespace; nothing has changed there, not even the boiler plate :-)
On trunk, I'm working to: * separate the caching from the externalizing name-spaces * separate serialization and restoring functionalities in different functions (they were conflated in a single function for each type of object) * define serialization functions which allow recursive calling patterns for nested serialization of objects (to be restored without requiring the reader)
These actions are mostly completed. Enough for me to try the effect of serializing lists differently. We have lots of lists with symbols in them. These lists don't need to be read, but instead can be directly constructed using "new Cons(new Fixnum(1), new Cons(..., NIL));" I created code yesterday which does exactly that. Unfortunately, there was no measurable impact on our boot time. So, the conclusion must be that our fasl reader is great, to the extent that it allows human-readable fasls, but it brings us the negative side effect that we start up too slow to be useable on - for example - Google App Engine. Any ideas on improving our FASL format? Ideas I've had myself: * Reduce the length of the names of the functions ABCL uses to create fasls * Embed documentation strings in CLS files instead of having them in the FASL * <Other things which reduce the size of a fasl> Bye, Erik.