On 2016/10/13 20:23, Anton Vodonosov wrote:
CL-USER(3): (CL:LISP-IMPLEMENTATION-VERSION) "1.4.0" "OpenJDK_Client_VM-Sun_Microsystems_Inc.-1.6.0_38-b38" "i386-Linux-3.2.0-4-686-pae"
I see no errors in (require :abcl-contrib).
You can ssh to testgrid@cl-test-grid.cloud.efficito.com and reproduce yourself (your public keys exist in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys)
Not quite sure what key you have for me there, as I can't SSH with those credentials from two plausible candidates. I'll send you a copy of my <mevenson@abcl.org> public key under separate cover that you can update for me when you get a chance, ok?
13.10.2016, 13:17, "Mark Evenson" <evenson@panix.com>:
On 2016/10/10 21:36, Anton Vodonosov wrote:
In any case, org.armedbear.lisp.Go doesn't look right condition, as I understand it's this exception class is used internally by ABCL to implement non-local exits.
10.10.2016, 22:24, "Anton Vodonosov" <avodonosov@yandex.ru>:
I've tried to run cl-test-grid on the new ABCL 1.4.0, but I get a lot of errors like:
..........; Compiling /home/testgrid/cl-test-grid/work-dir/agent/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/cffi_0.17.1/src/cffi-abcl.lisp ... jnaASDF could not load because org.armedbear.lisp.Go.
I have replicated this error with the following LISP-IMPLEMENTATION-VERSION setup. "1.4.0-dev" "OpenJDK_64-Bit_Server_VM-Sun_Microsystems_Inc.-1.6.0_32-b40" "amd64-FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-p1" The error stems from a failure to use Maven to download the JNA binary artifact "net.java.dev.jna/jna/4.2.2" which ABCL uses to shim the dynamic linking necessary CFFI to run. I am not sure if this is a generic problem with openjdk-6 using Maven, or the particular Maven installations that our machine happen to have. When I get a chance, I'll do some more investigation on my failing instance, and when I get access to `cl-test-grid.cloud.efficito.com`, I'll try to debug why Maven is failing for you. If necessary, we will release an abcl-1.4.1 to fix the situation. Thanks again for the fantastic resource that is CL-TEST-GRID! -- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare to it now."