python takes all output of maxima an redirects http server. I choose http because its more robuster than primary tcp socket server.
OK, I guess, but then there is still the socket between Maxima and Python, so in a sense that socket is still the weak link in the chain. I'll let you be the judge of it.
Yes, It was a socket connection between python and Maxima. And it was really a weak connection. I have tried it for one year. Now we use the library pyexpect http://www.noah.org/wiki/pexpect as "glue" to connect Maxima and Python together. This library uses tty and pty to connect the program. It is more stable than socket. Other reason that I use python is, It has some out-of-the box framework for http such as authority, and authentication, and so on. So far I have even a simple JSONRPC Protocol developed for this purpose. Unfortunately I can not publish my work, because it is a part of my job. I think in the future we will use the Maxima server instead of tty and pty for the connection between Maxima and python, any use python only for authentication and authority. best. Hong Phuc