On 1/17/14, Anton Vodonosov avodonosov@yandex.ru wrote:
16.01.2014, 21:22, "Mark Evenson" evenson@panix.com:
On Jan 16, 2014, at 13:44, Theam Yong Chew senatorzergling@gmail.com wrote:
Hi all,
I inadvertently discovered some bugs in the gray-streams implementation due to a stale flexi-streams that did not get upgraded properly.
Applied in [r14602][1]: FLEXI-STREAMS from Quicklisp passes all its tests! Fantastic!
Flexi-streams test suite passes even on ABCL 1.1.1 http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-test-grid/library/flexi-streams.html
That's right. Just a quick note, I was going to say I didn't deserve any credit. What really happened to me was the result of an upgrade from a very old quicklisp. trivial-gray-streams was upgraded, but somehow my flexi-streams didn't recompile itself. The stale .abcls had a different superclass hierarchy, mucking up the method dispatch. This resulted in ABCL's own gray-streams methods being invoked.
Since in practice, most folks would implement both read-char & read-sequence together (including flexi-streams), the ABCL gray streams probably never got used thus far. That's why the bugs were never uncovered. No bugs (not related to my topic anyway :-)) were uncovered in flexi-streams or ABCL's support of flexi-streams this time.