To start it up, 1) Start Protege41.app 2) From startup window create new ontology (accept defaults) 3) Select menu Tabs>Create a new tab (call it e.g. "Lisp") 4) Select menu Views>Misc views>Lisp shell 5) Click somewhere in window (should get prompt in window + new j window) To save the tab/view setup for next time choose menu Tabs>Store current layout -Alan On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 8:45 AM, Alan Ruttenberg <alanruttenberg@gmail.com> wrote:
Here's a quick attempt - let me know if it doesn't compile for some reason. Running now but wanted to give you something:
svn co http://smi-protege.stanford.edu/repos/protege/protege4/protege-base/trunk svn co http://smi-protege.stanford.edu/repos/protege/protege4/plugins/org.protege.c... svn co http://smi-protege.stanford.edu/repos/protege/protege4/plugins/org.protege.e... svn co http://smi-protege.stanford.edu/repos/protege/protege4/plugins/org.semanticw... svn co http://smi-protege.stanford.edu/repos/protege/protege4/plugins/org.protege.e... svn co http://svn.neurocommons.org/svn/trunk/protege/org.sciencecommons.protege.lis... svn co http://smi-protege.stanford.edu/repos/protege/protege4/plugins/binary mkdir Protege41.app
build script:
#!/bin/tcsh setenv JAVA_HOME /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5/Home/ setenv PROTEGE_HOME `pwd`/Protege41.app echo building protege-base (cd protege-base; ant osx) foreach dir (org.protege.common org.protege.editor.core.application org.semanticweb.owl.owlapi org.protege.editor.owl org.sciencecommons.protege.lisp) echo building $dir (cd $dir; ant install) end cp binary/org.semanticweb.HermiT.jar Protege41.app/Contents/Resources/Java/plugins/
On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 2:05 AM, Mark Evenson <evenson@panix.com> wrote:
On 4/16/10 12:41 AM, Alan Ruttenberg wrote:
Alessio found some threading issues with his console, and with those fixed I am able to use it within protege and it no longer hangs after one or two commands. (Thanks!)
Using the latest abcl, there also seems to be some bundle: url goodness happening. I no longer see the unbound variable issue, and I see bundle: uris for abcl-defined lisp code being loaded - snap attached - I recorded a screen movie and grabbed the last it showed before crashing.
Could you place a network accessible snapshot of your progress so I could reproduce it and help out with the OSGi issues?
I'm glad that 'bundle:' URLs sort of load, but it would be miraculous if there weren't any bugs whatsoever in the URL pathname code I just committed. Looking at the logs you provided seems to show a fair number of failed 'bundle:' loads before the JCLASS-FIELDS error, but maybe they are defaulting to a different location that is succeeding. It's hard for me to tell.
-- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare to it now."
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