Hi, all

I built ABCL 1.1.1 using Ant. After I built it, I found that the source locations of all the symbols are absolute path. For exmaple:
[1] CL-USER(1): (symbol-plist 'defun)
(SYSTEM::%SOURCE (#P"L:/abcl-src-1.1.1/src/org/armedbear/lisp/precompiler.lisp" . 44441) PRECOMPILER::PRECOMPILE-HANDLER PRECOMPILER::PRECOMPILE-DEFUN)

I tried  using '--nosystem', setting (LOGICAL-PATHNAME-TRANSLATIONS "sys") by myself, and even deleting system.lisp from the jar. But the source location didn't change.

How can I build ABCL 1.1.1 without recording the absolute path of the source ? Or, making the source location changable so that I can locate it even if I change the path of the source code ? I think I can do it manually by i.g.
(dolist (pkg (list-all-packages))
  (do-symbols (sym pkg)
             if there exists system::%source in symbol-plist, replace it)).
Is there any other way to do this ?


     Best regards,
Xiaofeng Yang