On Jun 11, 2019, at 14:05, Robert P. Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.net> wrote:
If you prefer, I believe you could bundle prove to avoid the Quicklisp dependency, perhaps as a git submodule…
It is certainly a way forward to consider bundling PROVE, but since ABCL already has a mechanism to install Quicklisp from the network by using its unique capability to CL:OPEN a given URI, the better way forward might be: 0) improve the handler for the condition to introspect the message from the condition signalled via ASDF 1) introspect the existence of Quicklisp, installing if not present (require :abcl-contrib) (asdf:load-system :quicklisp-abcl) 2) then load and execute ABCL/TEST/ANSI/COMPILED (asdf:test-system :abcl/test/ansi/compile) As a first stab, I will remove the reference to PROVE in the abcl.asd definition, as this shouldn’t be happening as the :DEPENDS-ON (:PROVE) stanza is a sibling dependency tree as near as I can tell. I should swag [Ionna’s code][asd-graph] to visualize the dependencies to see if this is indeed the case. In any event, I *really8* don’t want to mess with git submodules: I’d add a “vendor” directory before submitting to that mess of a lack of engineering… [asd-graph]: https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/idimitriou/asd-graph -- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before but there is nothing to compare to it now."