On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 11:08 PM, dmiles@users.sourceforge.net <logicmoo@gmail.com> wrote:
One question is since you are on a Mac, your line endings in some situations might be '\r' by itself? Not sure if between the client/server sockets if they ever get into '\r' only mode out of sync. But since you have used ABCL on Mac with java1.5 for a while this would have been something that maybe would have come up already. Another thing.. if on Mac if a person uses the default system editors, what do line ending styles end up being?
I tried various control characters in an attempt to end the line, but no luck.
But your actual error looks like Lisp missing something that helps identify the platform type and x86 vs amd64.
I usually get the message: WARNING: No architecture feature found in (POWERPC PPC X86 X86-64 AMD64 I686 I586 I486 PC386 IAPX386 SPARC64 SPARC HPPA64 HPPA PENTIUM3 PENTIUM4). If I (require 'asdf) instead instead get "Starting up protege lisp interpreter" ; Loading stream ... ; Loading stream ... ; Loaded stream (0.016 seconds) Debugger invoked on condition of type TYPE-ERROR: org.armedbear.lisp.Lisp$unboundValue@ad8437 [1] FORMAT(1): Hmm. Something with special binding? Now in both these cases I'm calling eval in the same thread where I called createDefaultInstance. If instead the (require 'asdf) is in a file I try to load (by calling eval from a different thread), I instead get the CPU pinned and have to force quit. -Alan
On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 7:29 PM, Alan Ruttenberg <alanruttenberg@gmail.com> wrote:
Just a heads up that I've got some help from Doug on this and have made some progress.
Lisp starts up and can do simple things but.
a) Read from console doesn't work. Via button I can load files with simple stuff like (print 'hello-world). b) Doing anything beyond simple causes some trouble with autoloading, I think. Here's the message (I'm trying to load swank here with the idea of remote connecting from emacs, but e.g. (require 'asdf) gives me the same error.)
For voyeurs, code's at
Armed Bear Common Lisp 0.20.0-dev Java 1.5.0_19 Apple Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM Low-level initialization completed in 0.0 seconds. Startup completed in 0.491 seconds.
"Starting up protege lisp interpreter" ; Loading #P"/Users/alanr/repos/slimenew/slime/swank-loader.lisp" ... ; Loading stream ... ; Loaded stream (0.0050 seconds) ; Loading stream ... ; Loaded stream (0.092 seconds) WARNING: No architecture feature found in ~a. Debugger invoked on condition of type TYPE-ERROR: org.armedbear.lisp.Lisp$unboundValue@ca18c6 [1] MOP(1):
Regards, Alan
On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 6:36 PM, Alan Ruttenberg <alanruttenberg@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm trying to set up a lisp shell inside protege, by copy pasting from the bean shell example they have:
(see http://www.beanshell.org/manual/jconsole.html)
Unfortunately I'm losing, with the first eval I call resulting in a null pointer exception. I expect I don't know how to set up the top level loop to run with the JConsole streams.
Can anyone help?
Thanks, Alan
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