It would be great if a solution could be found.  I will put my code up on github soon.



On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 12:01 PM, Mark Evenson <> wrote:

On 2015/8/25 18:48, Blake McBride wrote:

> The problem I ran into was the fact that Java can have several methods with
> the same name but different arguments.  So, the Java method being called
> depended on the types and number of arguments too (not just the class of
> the instance and the method name).  I never solved this, although I think
> it could be.  I just ran out of time and steam, as well as other
> non-technical reasons.
> The reason I bring this all up now is because I am unclear about what
> problems Ralph is trying to solve.  I thought what I have done may be of
> use.


Any chance of showing your code?

Given a method name and arguments, [JSS already has code that figures
out what method to call][1], so I'm not quite sure what you are missing.


"A screaming comes across the sky.  It has happened before, but there
is nothing to compare to it now."